"Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom." -- Albert Einstein

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Icewm -- With an Identity crisis

Icewm -- With an Identity crisis

Someone kept telling me "but... Linux isn't Windows.... " So, I fixed their little red wagon. It may not BE Windows, but Linux sure can LOOK like Windows.......... of course, it doesn't have those BSOD and it runs faster, but hey, nothin's perfect. :) :)

Done using Icewm and a theme and a background image. Looks pretty good. I set this up on an underpowered machine that KDE 4.1 was choking down to a crawl... XP barely ran on it, and Vista wouldn't boot I'm sure. Linux with Icewm, is very responsive, and much faster than KDE 4.1 had been. Was a fun 1/2 hour.