Someone kept telling me "but... Linux isn't Windows.... " So, I fixed their little red wagon. It may not BE Windows, but Linux sure can LOOK like Windows.......... of course, it doesn't have those BSOD and it runs faster, but hey, nothin's perfect. :) :)
Done using Icewm and a theme and a background image. Looks pretty good. I set this up on an underpowered machine that KDE 4.1 was choking down to a crawl... XP barely ran on it, and Vista wouldn't boot I'm sure. Linux with Icewm, is very responsive, and much faster than KDE 4.1 had been. Was a fun 1/2 hour.
1 comment:
Hi Dave! That is a great idea. I had an AMD 400 MHz box that I was using a few years back. At the time, XP would run on it, but slowly. Linux would work, but both KDE and GNOME would take on the order of 5-10 minutes just to load in place and were sluggish to do anything at all. I could run IceWM or Fluxbox or fvwm on the same system with no problems at all, and obviously I could run even better without an X server or a window manager running at all. I use either IceWM or Fluxbox these days when I want to get going quickly. That is one of the reasons that I like antiX. It is simple, having some core stuff from SimplyMEPIS, but it has been morphing toward sidux, which makes it pretty flexible. The thing about it is that it uses Fluxbox as its default window manager and IceWM as its alternative window manager.
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